Thursday, June 16, 2011

NannY StyLe

After a few fashionable hours watching the Nanny, it first made me incredible envious of Fran's hair, as mine resembles the flat and greasy field sludge at the bottom of a McDonald's cooker.  I never keep watch of my hair just like Fran never keeps watch of the kids. But another observation I made through my technicolour, pixelated 2am eyes were the amazing textures and colours of the clothes in the show. 
From fake fur that looks like a muppet, run over multiple times whilst on a cocaine binge, to the fabric that looks the same to the ones on the sofa's always covered in plastic by your aunt due to her irrational fear that you'll either commit ritual suicide/seppuku on it or spit on it, or even worse- spill your drink upon it. 

The whole style is just so amazing and eccentric. It is like the whole 90's style is crammed into one show, from the baby doll look of Maggie to the neo-80's style fluro worn by Gracie. And ofcourse, the style icon herself, Yetta, who mixes just about every decade together to create an eye-orgasmic, retina frothing outfit. Shoulder pads, sequins, bright tights- the Nanny is exploding with inspiration, and brimming with tears just like a someone who has been poked in the eye several a stylish manner ofcourse. So I think I'll keep watching the Nanny and pick up all the little fashion tips. It is the year to be eccentric and quirky, novelty and kitsch is in. It is time to bring back the 90's and add a few more drops of food colouring to make it stylishly over the top.  Even though we often dismiss Fran's style as too much, her style is actually one of bizarre yet controlled harmony. She knows that it looks too much but she plays it down. 

I think I most adore Gracie's style and its evolution, starting off sweet and quirky and ending in somewhat of a minimalist style by the end of the show, where she mixed up the preppy fabrics with a Parisian schoolgirl influence. I found this both adorable and an interesting mixture. And ofcourse who could forget Maggie's baby doll cardigan and mini skirt combo with cute blonde locks that slowly transformed into a minimalist heroin chic look. So switch on your Tv's and switch over to some novelty styles, the Nanny is your must watch and must wear. 

xxoxoxo bby Zsuzs 

*All images found on google (my first time not using original photos...hooray)

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